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Album News

So as many of you who follow my social media accounts know I am in the midst of making an album all on my lonesome. This means that I am funding it myself, writing everything myself, producing it myself and doing all the releasing and promo myself. I'm not going to lie. When I started this project my sensible brain thought that this would be really hard. My sensible brain knew that it was going to take a lot of work and dedication and that it was going to be a real grind with a learning curve. My crazy-dreamer brain however thought that I was going to somehow be...some kind of recording superhero/prodigy. My crazy-dreamer brain decided that alongside the pressures of my final year at university I would be just amazing right off the bat and would produce a gorgeous record in something like under a month. I knew that wasn't true, but I can't lie to you and there wasn't a little bit of me that dreamed it.

The reality of producing an album on a budget is not glamorous. It is equipment failure, recording in your pyjamas, going stir crazy from spending ages in your studio (made even worse by the fact your studio is in your bedroom where you do most of your living anyway) and worst of the worst, procrastination. Doing this on your own means major procrastination. There is no one to motivate you other than yourself. My uni course is the same. Most of my learning is self-directed which I love, but after a day of self-directed learning it's sometimes really difficult to come home and do even two hours of self-directed home recording.

So things are going slowly...very slowly. So in the hope that I will self-motivate a bit more I'm going to try and add another thing to my project list to help. I will try and keep up a more in depth blog about the album making process right here on my website. This is going to be a challenge. I'm pretty awful at keeping diaries and blogs (procrastination striking again) but I'm hoping that this will keep it going! I will try my very best to keep posting updates on how the process is going!

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